Test Results
Please allow AT LEAST 5 working days for bloods/urine results/stool samples/x-rays/MRI reports and ultrasound results to be reported on. This is to allow time for your results to be clinically reviewed.
Whilst you might be able to see that the results are available to the Practice via the NHS App, they cannot be released to patients until they have been reviewed by a clinician.
Should there be any abnormalities or a reason for you to return to the Practice to discuss these results or repeat them you will be contacted by the Practice. The surgery does NOT routinely contact patients if results are 'normal' or 'abnormal but within expected range'.
You can ring the Practice for results by selecting option 4 'queries' (which includes test results), between the hours of 11am to 5.30pm, Monday to Friday (excluding Tuesdays from 12.30pm to 1.30pm when the Practice is closed).
Hospital Bloods
If you have any blood tests that have been requested by the hospital, please ring 01325 743578.
Please be aware the Practice does not give results for cervical screening, these are sent to you in the post from NHS England.